不列颠哥伦比亚省部分地区本周末面临低于正常温度的气温,但条件无法达到2024年1月的极端。 Parts of British Columbia face below-normal temperatures this weekend, but conditions won't reach January 2024's extremes.
预计本周末不列颠哥伦比亚省部分地区的下季气温将低于2024年1月的极低水平, Below-seasonal temperatures are expected in parts of British Columbia this weekend, but they will not match the extreme lows of January 2024 when wind-chill temperatures hit -50°C in some areas. 南海岸和西南内地的气温将比正常温度低2至5度,而公元前摄氏度则低2至5度。 The south coast and southwestern Interior will see temperatures 2-5 degrees below normal, while the B.C. 落基山脉将比正常温度低5 -10度 Rockies will be 5-10 degrees below normal. 虽然寒冷的温度增加了下雪的可能性,但确切的可能性尚不确定。 Although freezing temperatures increase the chance of snow, the exact likelihood is uncertain.