Trump的过渡小组同意与Biden的行政部门分享文件,制定新的道德标准。 Trump's transition team agrees to share documents with Biden's administration, setting new ethics standards.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的过渡小组与乔·拜登总统的行政当局最后敲定了一份共享文件的协议,标志着权力过渡的关键一步。 The transition team of President-elect Donald Trump has finalized an agreement with President Joe Biden's administration to share documents, marking a key step in the power transition. Trump在总务管理局网站上张贴的道德操守保证书与最近的规范不同,其中省略了股票采购准则,缺乏举报政策。 Trump's ethics pledge, posted on the General Services Administration's website, differs from recent norms by omitting guidelines on stock purchases and lacking whistleblower policies. 它还禁止过渡小组的注册游说者,除非事先批准,这是比先前认捐更严格的措施。 It also prohibits registered lobbyists from the transition team unless pre-approved, a stricter measure than previous pledges.