特朗普的第二个中期道德操守计划限制了他的商业参与,他面临利益冲突保护不足的批评。 Trump's second-term ethics plan limits his business involvement, facing criticism for inadequate conflict-of-interest protections.
特朗普组织为当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的第二个任期发布了一项新的道德计划,限制他参与商业决策。 The Trump Organization has released a new ethics plan for President-elect Donald Trump’s second term, limiting his involvement in business decisions. Trump的投资将存放在他的子女和外部金融机构管理的信托中。 Trump’s investments will be held in a trust managed by his children and outside financial institutions. 该公司承诺不与外国政府进行新的实质性交易,但例行交易除外,并将将外国政府业务的利润捐给美国财政部。 The company pledges not to enter new material transactions with foreign governments, except for routine deals, and will donate profits from foreign government business to the U.S. Treasury. 批评者认为,措施不足以避免利益冲突。 Critics argue the measures are insufficient to avoid conflicts of interest.