新特朗普管理者包括因过去商业关系而可能发生利益冲突的亿万富翁。 New Trump admin includes billionaires with potential conflicts of interest due to past business ties.
Trump的新政府包括数亿富翁,他们由于以前的商业关系和政府合同而可能存在利益冲突。 Trump's new administration includes several billionaires with potential conflicts of interest due to previous business ties and government contracts. Elon Musk和Steve Feinberg等著名人物是这一群体的一部分。 Notable figures like Elon Musk and Steve Feinberg are part of this group. 虽然它们必须遵循利益冲突法,但对资产撤资的航行可能具有挑战性,使人们担心这些金融利益如何影响它们在政府中的作用。 While they must follow conflict of interest laws, navigating divestment of assets can be challenging, raising concerns about how these financial interests could affect their roles in the government.