特朗普规定的道德操守协定的拖延妨碍了拜登小组接触联邦机构,引起安全关切。 Delay in ethics agreements under Trump hampers Biden team's access to federal agencies, raising security concerns.
特朗普政府迟迟未签署道德和透明度协定,使即将上任的拜登小组无法与联邦机构协调。 The Trump administration's delay in signing ethics and transparency agreements is preventing the incoming Biden team from coordinating with federal agencies. 这种拖延阻止了被称为“着陆小组”的政策顾问从接触机构进入,阻碍了联邦调查局对内阁提名人的背景调查,并引起国家安全关切。 This delay stops policy advisers, known as "landing teams," from accessing agencies, hinders FBI background checks for Cabinet nominees, and raises national security concerns. 缺乏已签署的协议也剥夺了过渡小组的网络安全支持和安全的电子邮件接入,使他们不了解部门的业务和潜在威胁。 The lack of signed agreements also denies the transition team cybersecurity support and secure email access, leaving them uninformed about departmental operations and potential threats.