加拿大最高法院下令魁北克省资助Pekuakamiulnuatsh第一民族警察部队,对魁北克省作出不利裁决。 Supreme Court of Canada orders Quebec to fund Pekuakamiulnuatsh First Nation's police force, ruling against Quebec.
加拿大最高法院裁定,魁北克必须为Pekuakamiulnuatsh第一民族警察部队提供额外资金,驳回了魁北克省的上诉。 The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Quebec must provide additional funding for the Pekuakamiulnuatsh First Nation's police force, dismissing Quebec's appeal. 法院认定魁北克省未能本着诚意进行谈判,导致自2013年以来出现160万美元的资金短缺。 The court found Quebec failed to negotiate in good faith, leading to a $1.6 million funding shortfall since 2013. 虽然联邦政府同意支付其份额,但最高法院的裁决现在要求魁北克支付其部分资金。 While the federal government agreed to pay its share, the Supreme Court's decision now mandates Quebec to cover its portion of the funds.