魁北克团体誓言为撤销英语单语判决向最高法院提出抗争。 Quebec group vows to fight Supreme Court over removal of unilingual English judgments.
魁北克省的一个团体 " 魁北克集体权利 " 计划继续针对加拿大最高法院采取法律行动,因为该法院响应其翻译要求,从其网站上删除了数千项英语单语判决。 A Quebec group, Droits collectifs Québec, plans to continue legal action against the Supreme Court of Canada after the court removed thousands of unilingual English judgments from its website in response to their translation demands. 该集团寻求翻译1970年以前的决定、公开道歉和损害赔偿。 The group sought translations of pre-1970 decisions, a public apology, and damages. 最高法院辩称,翻译这些裁决的费用太高,令人望而却步,但魁北克集团仍然不满意,寻求联邦法院的裁决。 The Supreme Court argued that translating the rulings would be prohibitively expensive, but the Quebec group remains unsatisfied and seeks a Federal Court ruling.