加拿大议会批准了216亿美元的新支出, Canadian Parliament approves $21.6 billion in new spending amid political tensions.
加拿大议会又批准了216亿美元的政府支出,包括用于第一民族儿童服务、牙科护理和对魁北克寻求庇护者服务补偿的资金。 Canadian Parliament approved an additional $21.6 billion in government spending, including funds for First Nations child services, dental care, and compensation for Quebec's asylum seeker services. 投票在可能的最后一天进行,当时执政的自由党和反对派保守党之间关系紧张,他们投票反对支出,原因是在公布与误用绿色技术基金有关的文件方面,目前存在争议。 The vote took place on the final day possible, amid tensions between the ruling Liberals and the opposition Conservatives, who voted against the spending due to ongoing disputes over the release of documents related to misspending on a green-tech fund. 如果未获批准,移民和国防等部门可能面临财政困难。 If not approved, departments like Immigration and Defence could face financial trouble.