Nikki Haley和Edelman全球咨询公司作为VC, 与Max Baucus合作, 讨论品牌营销的政治复杂问题。 Nikki Haley joins Edelman Global Advisory as VC, working with Max Baucus on political complexities in brand marketing.
Nikki Haley 前美国人 Nikki Haley, former U.S. 联合国大使兼共和党总统候选人, 加入Edelman全球咨询公司, 担任副主席。 Ambassador to the UN and Republican presidential candidate, has joined Edelman Global Advisory as vice chair. 她将与担任高级顾问的前参议员马克斯·鲍克斯一起工作。 She will work alongside former Senator Max Baucus, who will serve as a senior adviser. 他们的作用重点是帮助客户应对品牌营销和声誉管理中日益复杂的政治问题。 Their roles focus on helping clients navigate the growing political complexities in brand marketing and reputation management. Edelman成立于1952年,在全球60多个办事处开展业务,雇用约6 000名工作人员。 Edelman, founded in 1952, operates in over 60 offices globally and employs around 6,000 staff.