当选总统特朗普提名Aaron Reitz和Chad Mizelle担任司法部关键职务。 President-elect Trump nominates Aaron Reitz and Chad Mizelle for key Justice Department roles.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普提名Aaron Reitz领导司法部法律政策办公室,乍得·米泽尔担任司法部办公室主任。 President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Aaron Reitz to lead the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy and Chad Mizelle as the DOJ's chief of staff. 现任参议员特德·克鲁兹(Ted Cruz)的幕僚长Reitz将同特朗普(Trump)提名的司法部长Pam Bondi(Pam Bondi)合作, 推进特朗普(Trump)的“法律与秩序”议程。 Reitz, currently Senator Ted Cruz's chief of staff, will work with Trump's nominee for attorney general, Pam Bondi, to advance Trump's "Law and Order" agenda. Mizelle,前国土安全官员,也将协助Bondi。 Mizelle, a former Homeland Security official, will also assist Bondi. Trump还提名David Fink为联邦铁路管理局的下一任行政长官,他以丰富的运输经验而著称。 Trump also nominated David Fink as the next administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration, known for his extensive transportation experience.