美国立法者要求国务大臣审查香港因金融犯罪顾虑的银行关系。 US lawmakers ask Treasury Secretary to review Hong Kong’s banking ties due to financial crime concerns.
美国立法者已要求财政部长珍妮特·耶伦重新评估美国与香港银行业的关系, US lawmakers have requested Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to reassess the U.S.'s relationship with Hong Kong's banking sector due to concerns over increased financial crime and sanctions evasion. 他们声称香港现在是中国、伊朗、俄罗斯和北朝鲜的专制轴心的关键角色, 并引述向俄罗斯出口技术的证据, They claim Hong Kong is now a key player in an authoritarian axis involving China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea, and cite evidence of technology exports to Russia and front companies buying Iranian oil. 立法者认为,香港已经从受信任的金融中心转变为金融犯罪和违反美国贸易管制的枢纽。 The lawmakers argue that Hong Kong has shifted from a trusted financial center to a hub for financial crimes and violations of U.S. trade controls.