中国针对香港制裁对美国官员实施签证禁令,以捍卫主权。 China imposes visa bans on US officials over Hong Kong sanctions, defending sovereignty.
中国宣布将对参与处理香港问题的美国官员实行签证限制,以回应美国对执行《国家安全法》的香港官员的制裁。 China announced it will impose visa restrictions on US officials involved in Hong Kong issues, responding to US sanctions on Hong Kong officials for implementing the National Security Law. 中国外交部指出,这些行动是为了捍卫中国主权和“一国两制”原则。 The Chinese Foreign Ministry stated that these actions are to defend China's sovereignty and the principle of "one country, two systems." 他们敦促美国停止干涉香港的事务。 They urged the US to stop interfering in Hong Kong's affairs.