印度首席大法官Chandrachud澄清司法机构的作用是审查法律,而不是在议会中反对。 Indian Chief Justice Chandrachud clarifies judiciary's role is to scrutinize laws, not oppose in Parliament.
印度前首席大法官DY Chandrachud强调,司法机构的作用是仔细审查法律,而不是在议会中充当反对派。 Former Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud emphasized that the judiciary's role is to scrutinize laws and not to act as the opposition in Parliament. 这一澄清是针对Rahul Gandhi的评论作出的,他表示反对派正在发挥司法机构的作用。 This clarification came in response to comments by Rahul Gandhi, who suggested the opposition is fulfilling the judiciary's role. Chandrachud说,每个要素在民主中都有其自己的空间,政治家和法官之间的社会互动不会损害司法独立。 Chandrachud stated that each element has its own space in a democracy and that social interactions between politicians and judges do not impair judicial independence.