瑞典外交官报告说,性暴力是苏丹境内的战争武器,影响到1 070多万人。 Swedish diplomat reports sexual violence as weapon of war in Sudan, affecting over 10.7 million.
瑞典的安娜·布洛克·马佐耶大使报告说,性暴力正在苏丹被用作战争武器,影响到1 070多万流离失所者。 Swedish Ambassador Anna Block Mazoyer reported that sexual violence is being used as a weapon of war in Sudan, affecting over 10.7 million displaced people. 她呼吁保护妇女和追究肇事者的责任。 She called for protection of women and accountability for perpetrators. 联合国警告说情况会恶化,敦促停火和谈判解决。 The UN warns of worsening conditions, urging a ceasefire and negotiated settlement. 在南苏丹,活动家强调性别暴力的增加,特别是在大流行病期间,呼吁制定法律、政策和社区意识以保护妇女和女孩。 In South Sudan, activists highlight increased gender-based violence, especially during the pandemic, calling for laws, policies, and community awareness to protect women and girls.