蒙大拿牧场主雇用南非工人填补劳动力缺口, 重点强调使用H-2A方案。 Montana rancher hires South African worker to fill labor gap, highlighting use of H-2A program.
Montana牧场主Darold Tomsheck因当地劳动力不足,通过联邦H-2A方案雇用外国工人。 Montana rancher Darold Tomsheck employs foreign workers through the federal H-2A program due to a lack of local labor. 南非工人瑞克·范德梅韦(Rick Vandermerwe)已成为Tomsheck团队的重要成员, South African worker Rick Vandermerwe has become an essential part of Tomsheck's team, addressing the ranch's workforce shortages. 虽然该方案涉及大量文书工作,但政府最近的努力旨在简化程序,使牧场主更容易雇用必要的工人。 While the program involves significant paperwork, recent government efforts aim to simplify the process, making it easier for ranchers to hire essential workers.