Burchet Rep. Burchet提出立法,以结束决定H-1B签证领取者的官僚匿名现象。 Rep. Burchett proposes legislation to end anonymity of bureaucrats deciding H-1B visa recipients.
代表Tim Burchett(R-Tenn.)有条件地支持H-1B签证方案,强调透明度的重要性。 Representative Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) has conditionally supported the H-1B visa program, emphasizing the importance of transparency. 他计划推出名为“Greta Van Susteren修正案”的立法, 以取消决定65,000年工作签证领取者的非民选官僚匿名。 He plans to introduce legislation called the "Greta Van Susteren Amendment" to remove the anonymity of unelected bureaucrats who decide the recipients of the 65,000 annual work visas. 目的是提高签证分配过程中的问责制和透明度。 The aim is to increase accountability and transparency in the visa allocation process.