佐治亚州和加利福尼亚州的农民担心大规模驱逐可能摧毁他们的十亿美元产业。 Farmers in Georgia and California fear mass deportations could devastate their billion-dollar industries.
格鲁吉亚和加利福尼亚农民严重依赖移民劳工, 由于当选总统特朗普(Trump)提议大规模驱逐出境, Georgia and California farmers, who rely heavily on immigrant labor, face uncertainty due to President-elect Trump's proposed mass deportations. 两州的农业价值数十亿, 农民担心失去的移民工人会破坏他们的产业, 特别是当他们从自然灾害和经济困难中恢复时。 Agriculture in both states is worth billions, and farmers worry that losing immigrant workers could devastate their industries, especially as they recover from natural disasters and financial hardships. 虽然一些农民为临时工人使用H-2A方案,但许多人认为该方案费用昂贵而且复杂。 While some farmers use the H-2A program for temporary workers, many find it expensive and complex. 农民希望为无证工人提供获得公民身份的途径,以确保稳定的劳动力。 Farmers hope for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented workers to ensure a stable workforce.