美国考虑收紧H-1B签证规则,这影响到技术行业和工人。 U.S. considers tightening H-1B visa rules, affecting tech industry and workers.
H-1B签证计划对于美国科技行业至关重要, The H-1B visa program, vital for the U.S. tech industry, faces scrutiny under new administrations. 批评者认为这伤害了本地工人, 而支持者,包括科技领袖, 却说这能提高生产力。 Critics argue it harms native workers, while supporters, including tech leaders, say it boosts productivity. 自1990年以来,共签发了450万份签证,大部分发给印度技术工人。 Since 1990, 4.5 million visas have been issued, mostly to Indian tech workers. 拟议的变动,如提高薪金和更严格的审查,可能会影响公司和签证持有者,从而有可能将工作转移到海外。 Proposed changes, like higher salaries and stricter scrutiny, could affect companies and visa holders, potentially moving jobs overseas. 尽管存在各种关切,但经济效益可能防止发生急剧变化,但程序上的障碍很可能会出现。 Despite concerns, the economic benefits may prevent drastic changes, but procedural hurdles are likely.