美国工业面临混乱,因为政策变化影响到非公民工人的可获性。 US industries face disruptions as policy changes impact the availability of noncitizen workers.
美国农业、招待和技术等工业严重依赖非公民工人,其中农业占首位。 US industries such as agriculture, hospitality, and tech have heavily relied on noncitizen workers, with agriculture topping the list. 这些行业面临劳动力短缺的挑战,并越来越依赖外国工人来填补职位。 These industries have faced challenges with labor shortages and have increasingly depended on foreign workers to fill roles. 然而,最近的政策变化和执法行动影响了非公民劳动力的提供,有可能扰乱这些部门的业务。 However, recent policy changes and enforcement actions have impacted the availability of noncitizen labor, potentially disrupting operations in these sectors.