爱尔兰警方在圣诞节的道路安全行动中逮捕了2200名超速者, Irish police caught over 2,200 speeders and saw 3 deaths in their Christmas road safety crackdown.
在爱尔兰警察圣诞节道路安全行动的第二周,2 200多名超速驾驶员被抓获,造成三人死亡和13次严重碰撞。 During the second week of Ireland's Garda Christmas road safety operation, over 2,200 speeding drivers were caught, resulting in three fatalities and 13 serious collisions. 自11月29日行动开始并持续到1月6日之后,警察已经设立了超过1 940个检查站,逮捕了178名受影响驾车者,并扣押了500多部车辆。 Since the operation began on November 29 and will run until January 6, Gardaí have conducted over 1,940 checkpoints, arresting 178 people for driving under the influence and seizing over 500 vehicles. 他们还发出了329份关于驾驶时使用移动电话的固定收费通知。 They have also issued 329 fixed charge notices for using a mobile phone while driving. 警方敦促司机在节日期间减速并谨慎开车。 The Garda urges drivers to slow down and drive cautiously during the holiday season.