联合王国计划削减根据新的“学习或学习”提案不工作或未参加培训的年轻人的福利。 UK plans to cut benefits for young people not working or in training under new "earn or learn" proposals.
英国工作和养老金秘书Liz Kendall宣布,根据新的“学习或学习”建议,不参加工作或培训的青年人可能面临福利削减。 UK Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall announced that young people not participating in work or training may face cuts to their benefits under new "earn or learn" proposals. 该计划旨在为18-21岁的人提供更多的就业和教育机会,目的是减少青年在教育、就业或培训之外的人数。 This plan aims to offer more job and education opportunities to 18-21 year-olds, with the goal of reducing the number of young people out of education, employment, or training. 那些不利用这些机会的人可能失去其福利。 Those who do not take up these opportunities may lose their benefits.