对新西兰青年受益人的20年福利依赖,敦促福利机构进行改革,采取就业支助举措。 20-year welfare reliance for young NZ beneficiaries, urging Welfare that Works reforms and job support initiatives.
新西兰的一份报告预测,青年受益者将平均多依靠福利20年,这突出说明政府改革的当务之急。 A New Zealand report projects young beneficiaries will rely on welfare for an average of 20 more years, highlighting the urgency of the government's Welfare that Works reforms. 预测显示,自去年以来进展甚微,自2017年以来依赖性恶化。 The forecast shows minimal improvement since last year, with dependency worsening since 2017. 社会发展部长路易丝·乌普斯顿强调,需要就业支助和早期干预,包括新的个案管理服务和社区辅导,以帮助青年人向就业过渡。 Social Development Minister Louise Upston emphasizes the need for job support and early intervention, including a new case management service and community coaching, to help young people transition to employment.