联合王国与健康有关的福利索赔从去年的36bn先期发放增加到48bn,预计四年内将达到63bn英镑。 UK health-related benefit claims rise from £36bn pre-pandemic to £48bn last year, projected to hit £63bn in four years.
英国面临迫在眉睫的危机, 与健康相关的福利要求从去年的36bn预先普及到48bn, 预计四年内将达到63bn。 The UK faces a looming crisis as health-related benefit claims soar from £36bn pre-pandemic to £48bn last year, projected to hit £63bn in four years. 这种激增引起了对“失去的一代”年轻工人的担忧,而心理健康问题增加使这一问题更加恶化。 This surge raises concerns about a "lost generation" of young workers, exacerbated by increased mental health issues. 由于40岁以下人群的索赔数量大幅增加, 政策制定者和雇主面临挑战, 尤其是因为人工智能可能会消除入门级工作, 进一步影响青年就业. With a significant rise in claims among those under 40, the situation challenges policymakers and employers, especially as AI could eliminate entry-level jobs, further impacting youth employment.