在牛津郡,10%的居民无法获得牙科护理,这反映出更广泛的英语危机。 In Oxfordshire, 10% of residents can't access dental care, mirroring a wider English crisis.
在牛津郡,10%的人得不到牙医服务,这反映出整个英格兰的一个更广泛的问题,即13%的成年人没有牙科护理。 In Oxfordshire, 10% of people lack access to a dentist, reflecting a broader issue across England where 13% of adults are without dental care. 英国牙医协会(BDA)声称,对于新病人来说,国家医疗服务系统的牙科几乎不存在,因此敦促政府进行干预。 The British Dental Association (BDA) claims NHS Dentistry is practically non-existent for new patients and urges the government to intervene. 卫生和社会关怀部认识到这一问题,并计划通过提供70万份紧急预约和使国家医疗服务系统的工作对牙医更有吸引力来增加获得服务的机会。 The Department of Health and Social Care acknowledges the problem and plans to increase access by providing 700,000 urgent appointments and making NHS work more appealing to dentists.