Scammers利用国家医疗服务系统的牙科预约需求,制造假网站,并计算受害者费用。 Scammers exploit NHS dental appointment demand, creating fake sites and costing victims money.
英国牙医协会(BDA)警告说,诈骗者通过建立提供预付服务的假网站,利用对国民健康服务系统牙科预约的大量需求。 The British Dental Association (BDA) warns that scammers are exploiting the high demand for NHS dental appointments by creating fake websites that offer pre-paid services. 在Essex和Devon等地区,受害者因得不到任何护理而损失了大量资金。 Victims in regions like Essex and Devon have lost significant sums for non-existent care. BDA主席Eddie Crouch敦促政府采取紧急行动,改善国民保健制度的牙科状况,并解决对牙科做法的财政压力,尤其是随着国家保险缴款的增加。 BDA chairman Eddie Crouch urges the government to act urgently to improve NHS dentistry and address the financial pressures on dental practices, particularly with rising national insurance contributions.