黎巴嫩夫妇因中东冲突而相隔数月后在澳大利亚团聚。 Lebanese couple reunited in Australia after months apart due to Middle East conflict.
由于中东冲突,一对黎巴嫩夫妇Mohamad和Sahar在分离数月后重新团聚。 A Lebanese couple, Mohamad and Sahar, have been reunited after months of separation due to the conflict in the Middle East. 他们在开战时逃离黎巴嫩,就在他们交战几天后。 They fled Lebanon when the war started, just days after their engagement. 在等待了一个月之后,萨哈尔的签证获得批准,允许她加入澳大利亚西南部悉尼的穆罕默德,现在他们在那里临时居住。 After a month of waiting, Sahar's visa was approved, allowing her to join Mohamad in south-western Sydney, Australia, where they are now living temporarily.