澳大利亚政府公布了促进老年人护理的4.3B计划,解决退休人员的财政担忧。 Australian government unveils $4.3B plan to boost aged care, addressing retirees' financial worries.
大多数年龄较大的澳大利亚人在经济上没有为老年护理做好准备,每10名退休人员中有7人担心费用,三分之一担心对子女的影响。 Most older Australians are financially unprepared for aged care, with seven in ten retirees worried about costs and a third concerned about the impact on their children. 政府计划在两年内推出107,000套家庭护理包, 投资43亿元用于名为“家庭支助”的新家庭护理系统。 The government plans to introduce 107,000 home care packages over two years, investing $4.3 billion in a new home care system called "Support at Home." 老年人护理改革也在进行之中,以改善条件,支持家庭长期生活。 Sweeping reforms to aged care are also underway to improve conditions and support longer home living.