一些团体在澳大利亚推动每天提高10美元的养老金,以消除老年人贫穷。 Group pushes for $10 daily pension hike in Australia to combat elderly poverty.
澳大利亚国家老年人协会正在倡导为澳大利亚单身老年人每天增加10美元的养恤金(夫妇15美元),以解决贫穷问题。 National Seniors Australia is advocating for a daily $10 pension increase for single elderly Australians ($15 for couples) to address poverty. 该提案将把单身每周基本费率提高到593.55美元,将夫妇的每周基本费率提高到894.30美元。 The proposal would raise the weekly base rate to $593.55 for singles and $894.30 for couples. 该团体的“固定养老金贫困”运动也寻求增加房租援助、牙科护理计划和为经济拮据的养老金领取者发放新的优惠卡。 The group's "Fix Pension Poverty" campaign also seeks increased rent assistance, a dental care scheme, and a new concession card for pensioners with limited means. 该倡议旨在帮助养恤金领取者应付不断上涨的生活费用并改善其生活质量。 This initiative aims to help pensioners cope with rising living costs and improve their quality of life.