新西兰的记者队伍急剧缩减到1 300人以下,计划通过以工作为基础的学习来重振活力。 New Zealand's journalism workforce has drastically shrunk to under 1,300, with plans to revitalize through work-based learning.
新西兰的记者人数从2006年的4 000人跌至2023年的1 300人以下,预计到今年年底将少于1 000人。 The number of journalists in New Zealand has plummeted from 4,000 in 2006 to under 1,300 in 2023, with predictions of fewer than 1,000 by the end of this year. 造成下降的因素包括各种新闻渠道的竞争加剧、广告收入减少、大学课程侧重于学位而不是实际技能。 Factors contributing to the decline include increased competition from various news channels, reduced advertising revenue, and university programs focusing on degrees rather than practical skills. Toi Mai工作队伍发展理事会发布了一项计划草案Ngha Awa Kärero,强调以工作为基础的学习,目的是促进新闻业的多样性。 The Toi Mai Workforce Development Council has released a draft plan, Ngā Awa Kōrero, emphasizing work-based learning and aiming to boost diversity in journalism.