关闭当地新西兰报纸引起人们对虚假信息和社区复原力的恐惧。 Closure of local New Zealand newspapers raises fears about disinformation and community resilience.
新西兰许多地方报纸的关闭引起了人们对社区复原力的关切,尤其是在气候危机期间。 The closure of numerous local newspapers in New Zealand has raised concerns about community resilience, especially during the climate crisis. Greg Treadwell博士警告说,失去经证实的当地新闻可能导致有害虚假信息的传播,危及社区民主。 Dr. Greg Treadwell warns that the loss of verified local news can lead to the spread of harmful disinformation, risking community democracy. 虽然没有立即的解决办法,但像美国新闻项目这样的组织正在探索替代办法,包括国家通过税收抵免和研究金资助新闻工作。 While no immediate solutions exist, organizations like the American Journalism Project are exploring alternatives, including state funding for journalism through tax credits and fellowships.