NZME计划在新西兰关闭14家社区报纸,造成约30人失业。 NZME plans to close 14 community newspapers in New Zealand, causing about 30 job losses.
新西兰主要媒体公司NZME计划关闭14家社区报纸, 造成约30个失业, NZME, New Zealand's major media firm, plans to shut down 14 community newspapers, leading to about 30 job losses, due to declining ad revenue and rising costs. 预计圣诞节前的封锁会影响到当地新闻只依靠这些报纸的地区。 The closures, expected before Christmas, affect regions that rely solely on these papers for local news. 这一决定是在经济挑战和政府《公平数字新闻谈判法案》的不确定性下作出的。 The decision comes amid economic challenges and uncertainty over the government's Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill.