马尼托巴省报告第一例非洲旅行者出现新的猴子天花菌株病例。 Manitoba reports first case of new monkeypox strain in a traveler from Africa.
曼尼托巴省报告了首例 Ib 猴痘分支病例,这是一种以前在加拿大从未见过的毒株,是一名从中非和东非返回的旅行者。 Manitoba has reported its first case of clade Ib monkeypox, a strain not previously seen in Canada, in a traveler returning from central and eastern Africa. 个人与世隔绝,卫生官员正在调查和追查接触情况。 The individual is in isolation, and health officials are investigating and conducting contact tracing. 虽然公众面临的风险仍然很低,但卫生当局正在密切监测有关情况。 While the risk to the public remains low, health authorities are monitoring the situation closely.