欧元区私营部门活动自1月以来达到最低点,引起对经济衰退的关切。 Eurozone private sector activity hits lowest point since January, raising concerns over economic decline.
11月,欧元区私营部门活动收缩,综合产出指数降至48.1,是1月以来最低的。 The Eurozone's private sector activity contracted in November, with the composite output index falling to 48.1, its lowest since January. 服务业和制造业部门都报告下降,服务在十个月中首次萎缩。 Both services and manufacturing sectors reported declines, with services contracting for the first time in ten months. 商业信心急剧下降,公司连续第四个月减少了就业。 Business confidence dropped sharply, and companies reduced employment for the fourth consecutive month. 投入成本上升到三个月的高点。 Input costs rose to a three-month high. 欧元区最大的经济体法国和德国的收缩尤其剧烈。 France and Germany, the largest Eurozone economies, experienced particularly sharp contractions. 数据表明,欧洲中央银行可能在12月进一步削减利率。 The data suggests the European Central Bank may cut interest rates further in December.