在夏洛特的机场工人 投票罢工, 威胁旅行混乱 为感恩节。 Airport workers in Charlotte vote on strike, threatening travel chaos for Thanksgiving.
夏洛特·道格拉斯国际机场的服务人员在感恩节旅行周就24小时罢工进行投票,可能干扰100多万乘客。 Service workers at Charlotte Douglas International Airport are voting on a 24-hour strike during the Thanksgiving travel week, potentially disrupting over 1 million passengers. 提供清洁和乘客服务的承包商ABM和Prospect Airport Services的工人正在寻求更高的工资和更好的条件. Workers from contractors ABM and Prospect Airport Services, who provide cleaning and passenger assistance, are seeking higher wages and better conditions. 确切的罢工日期未披露,两家公司都承认可能发生干扰,承诺给予公平补偿和职业发展。 The exact strike date is undisclosed, and both companies have acknowledged the potential disruption, committing to fair compensation and career advancement.