波音工人就一项合同投票表决,该合同可能结束为期7周的罢工,停止飞机生产。 Boeing workers vote on a contract that could end a 7-week strike halting plane production.
由国际机械师和航空航天工人协会代表的波音工厂工人正在投票表决一项合同,该合同可能结束他们为期7周的罢工,从而停止了大多数客机生产。 Boeing factory workers represented by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers are voting on a contract that may end their 7-week strike, which has halted most passenger plane production. 投票于2024年10月23日举行,将确定合同是否被接受,允许恢复生产,或罢工是否将继续。 The vote, taking place on October 23, 2024, will determine if the contract is accepted, allowing production to resume, or if the strike will continue. 工人在投票之前正在审查信息材料。 Workers are reviewing informational materials before casting their votes.