联合王国法院对由于她对医疗咨询的立场而不能作出保健决定的19岁的病人作出裁决。 UK court rules 19-year-old patient unable to make healthcare decisions due to her stance on medical advice.
一家联合王国法院裁定,一名19岁的病人Sudiksha Thirumalesh没有决策能力,因为她无法适当使用有关其罕见病情的医疗信息,尽管她了解这一点。 A UK court ruled that a 19-year-old patient, Sudiksha Thirumalesh, lacked decision-making capacity due to her inability to appropriately use medical information about her rare condition, despite understanding it. 这一决定引发了一场辩论,讨论对医疗咨询的怀疑是否会影响病人做出医疗决定的能力。 The decision sparked debate on whether disbelief in medical advice can impact a patient's capacity to make healthcare decisions. 有些人争辩说,不应利用病人的价值观和信仰来判断其决策能力。 Some argue that a patient's values and beliefs should not be used to judge their decision-making ability.