新西兰的Southland医院在一名老人因病历处理不当而死亡后遭到批评。 Southland Hospital in NZ is criticized after an elderly man's death due to mishandled patient records.
新西兰的Southland医院在一名老人坠落后死于脑出血后遭到批评。 Southland Hospital in New Zealand faced criticism after an elderly man died from a brain hemorrhage following a fall. 一份报告显示,关键的病人信息错失,工作人员无法认出他服用抗凝胶剂。 A report revealed that crucial patient information was misplaced, preventing staff from recognizing he was on anticoagulants. 这导致评估出现延误,并缺乏必要的CT扫描。 This led to a delay in assessments and a lack of necessary CT scans. 卫生和残疾事务专员发现医院侵犯了病人的权利,建议正式道歉并改进护理规程。 The Health and Disability Commissioner found that the hospital breached patient rights and recommended formal apologies and improvements to care protocols.