10个亲巴勒斯坦团体以种族灭绝为由,起诉荷兰政府向以色列出口武器。 Ten pro-Palestinian groups sue Dutch government over arms exports to Israel, citing genocide concerns.
10个亲巴勒斯坦组织对荷兰政府提起诉讼,要求停止向以色列出口武器,停止与巴勒斯坦被占领土的贸易,并列举了可能违反1948年《灭绝种族罪公约》的行为。 Ten Pro-Palestinian organizations have filed a lawsuit against the Dutch government, demanding the halt of arms exports to Israel and trade with the occupied Palestinian territories, citing potential violations of the 1948 Genocide Convention. 这些团体辩称,荷兰政府无视其防止加沙种族灭绝的法律义务。 The groups argue that the Dutch government is neglecting its legal duty to prevent genocide in Gaza. 荷兰政府否认这些说法,并辩称它遵守欧洲武器出口法律。 The Dutch government denies these claims and argues that it adheres to European arms export laws. 这场诉讼是在针对以色列的法律行动不断升级,包括国际刑事法院最近签发的逮捕令中进行的。 The lawsuit comes amid escalating legal actions against Israel, including recent arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court. 荷兰法院将于12月13日对案件作出裁决。 The Dutch court will rule on the case on December 13.