内塔尼亚胡表示,“没有人会阻止”。 以色列针对哈马斯发动战争,以回应全球法庭审理的种族灭绝指控。 According to Netanyahu, "no one will stop." Israel's war against Hamas in response to claims of genocide heard by a global court.
以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡在海牙举行为期两天的听证会后宣布,“没有人会阻止以色列”镇压哈马斯的战争,南非指责以色列对加沙的巴勒斯坦人进行种族灭绝。 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that "no one will stop Israel" in its war to crush Hamas, following two days of hearings at The Hague where South Africa accused Israel of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. 以色列一再否认这些指控,称其为诽谤和虚伪,美国国务院也驳回这些指控,称其“毫无根据”。 Israel has repeatedly rejected the accusations as libelous and hypocritical, with the U.S. State Department also dismissing the allegations as "unfounded.". 以色列总理强调,在哈马斯发动“不人道”袭击后,以色列正在“自卫”。 The Israeli Prime Minister emphasized that Israel is "defending itself" after the "inhuman" attacks by Hamas.