Severn Trent警告顾客 准备迎接Bert暴风雨可能带来的大雨和洪水 Severn Trent warns customers to prepare for Storm Bert's potential heavy rain and flooding.
Severn Trent是一家水务公司, 向客户提供建议, 准备在Bert暴风雨临近时, 迎接本周末可能发生的暴风雨和洪水。 Severn Trent, a water utility company, is advising its customers to prepare for potential storms and flooding this weekend as Storm Bert approaches. 正在敦促客户采取预防措施,保护其财产免受大雨和可能洪水的侵袭。 Customers are being urged to take precautionary measures to protect their properties from heavy rain and possible flooding.