法官在判处一名当地人袭击罪后,将都柏林的 Temple Bar 称为“暴力的后世界末日地区”。 Judge labels Dublin's Temple Bar a "violent, post-apocalyptic area" after sentencing a local for assault.
法官Pauline Cod将都柏林的圣殿酒吧描述为“暴力、世界末日后禁区”, 25岁的Jordan Maguire因攻击无辜旁观者被判四年监禁。 Judge Pauline Codd has described Dublin's Temple Bar as a "violent, post-apocalyptic no-go area," following the sentencing of 25-year-old Jordan Maguire to four years in prison for assaulting an innocent bystander. 考德对该地区的高暴力水平及其居民的安全表示关切。 Codd expressed concern about the high levels of violence in the area and the safety of its residents. Maguire如果参加关于吸毒成瘾和悲伤问题的咨询,其刑期被部分中止。 Maguire's sentence was partially suspended if he attends counseling for addiction and grief issues.