Teen Scott Cahill因在都柏林攻击英国游客被判处三年有期徒刑。 Teen Scott Cahill sentenced to three years for attacking British tourists in Dublin.
19岁的Scott Cahill因2023年8月11日在都柏林寺庙酒吧攻击英国游客被判处三年徒刑。 Scott Cahill, 19, was sentenced to three years in jail for attacking British tourists in Dublin's Temple Bar on August 11, 2023. 他对暴力骚乱和攻击表示认罪,法官以认罪和年轻为由判处五年监禁,缓期两年。 He pleaded guilty to violent disorder and assault, and the judge imposed a five-year sentence, with two years suspended, based on his guilty pleas and youth. Cahill是造成伤者, 包括鼻子骨折和伤痕。 CCTV footage identified Cahill, who was part of a group that caused injuries including broken noses and lacerations. 获释后,Cahill将受到缓刑机构的监督,并被禁止与已知罪犯有联系。 Upon release, Cahill will be supervised by probation services and banned from associating with known criminals.