24 岁的约书亚·奥戴 (Joshua O'Dea) 因涉嫌欠款在曼彻斯特因斧头、持刀袭击而被判处 27 年监禁。 24-year-old Joshua O'Dea sentenced to 27 years for axe, knife assault in Manchester, over alleged money debt.
24岁的Joshua O'Dea因在大曼彻斯特的一辆大篷车中袭击一名男子被判处27年监禁。 Joshua O'Dea, 24, has been sentenced to 27 years in prison for attacking a man in a caravan in Greater Manchester. O'Dea持斧头和刀袭击受害者,认为他欠他钱,并威胁要严重伤害他。 Armed with an axe and a knife, O'Dea assaulted the victim, believing he owed him money, and threatened severe harm. 受害者因重伤逃脱。 The victim escaped with serious injuries. 大曼彻斯特警察着重提到这一案件,表明他们致力于打击该区域的暴力和刀犯罪。 Greater Manchester Police highlighted the case as a reflection of their commitment to combating violence and knife crime in the region.