戴维·乔伊斯和维尼·基南一对夫妇因家庭争执而遭刺伤而在爱尔兰的朗福德市面临法庭. A couple, David Joyce and Winnie Keenan, faced court in Longford, Ireland, over a violent incident involving a stabbing linked to family feuds.
戴维·乔伊斯和维尼·基南是一对夫妇,因一起暴力事件而在爱尔兰的朗福德面临法庭审讯,这起事件导致一名男子被刺伤,被送往医院. A couple, David Joyce and Winnie Keenan, faced court in Longford, Ireland, over a violent incident that left a man hospitalized with a stab wound. Bernadette Owens法官将事件标为“绝对无法无天”。 Judge Bernadette Owens labeled the event "absolute lawlessness." Joyce被控暴力混乱和持有武器,因其历史上的仇敌关系而被拒绝保释。 Joyce, charged with violent disorder and weapon possession, was denied bail due to his history with feuds. Keenan, 也被控暴力混乱,获得有条件保释。 Keenan, also charged with violent disorder, received conditional bail. 这一事件与多伊尔家庭与基南家庭之间持续的紧张关系有关。 The incident is linked to ongoing tensions between the Doyle and Keenan families.