Raymond McGuire因攻击前伴侣 和54次威胁性接触 被停职两年 Raymond McGuire gets two years suspended for assaulting ex-partner and making 54 threatening contacts.
Raymond McGuire, 40岁,都柏林男子,因在一天内殴打其前伴侣并用54次虐待性接触骚扰她,被判处两年缓刑。 Raymond McGuire, a 40-year-old Dublin man, received a two-year suspended sentence for assaulting his former partner and harassing her with 54 abusive contacts in one day. McGuire对两起造成伤害和刑事损害的攻击罪认罪。 McGuire pleaded guilty to two counts of assault causing harm and criminal damage. Martin Nolan法官以“判决严重失误”为由,命令McGuire向受害人支付4,000欧元, Judge Martin Nolan ordered McGuire to pay €4,000 to the victim, citing a "severe lapse in judgement," and decided against a custodial sentence.