爱尔兰开发协会警告政府,全球外国直接投资竞争因国内挑战而加剧。 IDA Ireland warns government that global FDI competition is intensifying due to internal challenges.
爱尔兰开发协会警告爱尔兰政府,全球对外国直接投资的竞争正在加剧。 IDA Ireland has warned the government that global competition for foreign direct investment (FDI) is intensifying. 该机构强调了诸如能源和水短缺、高住房成本以及阻碍投资者的复杂税收规则等挑战。 The agency highlighted challenges like energy and water shortages, high housing costs, and complex tax rules that deter investors. 开发协会敦促爱尔兰政府在2025年预算中将重点放在这些问题上,并要求为赠款提供更多资金,以提高爱尔兰的竞争力。 IDA urged the government to focus on these issues in Budget 2025 and requested more funding for grants to improve Ireland's competitiveness.