爱尔兰企业计划在2025年大幅增加投资,以建筑业和制造业为首。 Irish businesses plan major investment increases in 2025, led by construction and manufacturing.
爱尔兰企业准备在2025年增加投资,在建筑业和制造业部门推动下,计划增加资本项目支出的将近一半。 Irish businesses are set to boost investments in 2025, with nearly half planning to increase spending on capital projects, driven by the construction and manufacturing sectors. 这种投资的激增速度超过了联合王国的对口部门,是更广泛的经济增长动力的一部分。 This investment surge outpaces UK counterparts and is part of a broader economic growth push. 尽管存在通货膨胀压力,特别是在招待方面的通货膨胀压力,以及专业职位的减少,投资者的信心仍然很高,对爱尔兰债券和大赦国际的采纳的兴趣越来越浓厚。 Despite inflationary pressures, especially in hospitality, and a drop in professional job postings, investor confidence remains high, with strong interest in Irish bonds and AI adoption becoming more common.