美国公司依然对爱尔兰持乐观态度, 尽管面临挑战, U.S. companies remain optimistic about Ireland, with 90% positive on business environment despite challenges.
美国工商会爱尔兰分会的一项调查显示,尽管面临成本竞争力、技能短缺和住房问题等挑战,美国公司对爱尔兰的投资持正面看法。 A survey by the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland shows U.S. companies view Ireland positively for investment, despite challenges like cost competitiveness, skills shortages, and housing issues. 近一半计划增加工作人员,90%仍对爱尔兰的商业环境感到乐观。 Nearly half plan to increase staff, and 90% remain optimistic about Ireland's business environment. 调查还强调一个稳定、有利于企业的生态系统的重要性,并强调改善运输基础设施是一项关键优先事项。 The survey also emphasizes the importance of a stable, pro-enterprise ecosystem and highlights transport infrastructure improvements as a key priority.