英格兰和威尔士的房主正在迅速驱逐房客,凸显出严重的住房危机。 Landlords in England and Wales are rapidly evicting tenants, highlighting a severe housing crisis.
英格兰和威尔士的房东正以近记录费率提出加速拥有权要求, Landlords in England and Wales are filing accelerated possession claims at near-record rates, reflecting an "alarming state" in the housing crisis. 法律学会呼吁对法律援助投资430万英镑,并主张应限制租金的增加。 The Law Society calls for a £4.3 million investment in legal aid and argues that rent increases need to be capped. 政府《租房者权利法案》旨在禁止无过失驱逐,如果房东出售房客,则提前四个月通知租户,但批评者说,需要更多的保护。 The Government's Renters' Rights Bill aims to ban no-fault evictions and give tenants four months' notice if landlords sell, but critics say more protections are needed.