联合王国劳工局计划通过新的法案,禁止房东要求提前一个月以上的房租。 UK Labour plans new bill to ban landlords from asking for more than one month's rent upfront.
英国劳工政府计划提出《租房者权利法案》,该法案将禁止房东申请一个月以上的预付租金。 The UK's Labour government plans to introduce the Renters' Rights Bill, which will ban landlords from requesting more than one month's rent upfront. 该法案旨在通过结束租房招标战争和废除“无过错”的驱逐来保护私人租户。 The bill aims to protect private tenants by ending rental bidding wars and abolishing "no fault" evictions. 虽然支持者认为此举会让租房更为公平, 但全国住宅地主协会担心这可能会阻止房东向收入可变或信用记录不佳的租户租房。 While supporters argue the move will make renting fairer, the National Residential Landlords Association is concerned it may discourage landlords from renting to tenants with variable incomes or poor credit histories.